Reunite with your body, reunite with life. Relate with your body, relate with life. Connect to your body, connect to life. Rejuvenate your body, rejuvenate your life.

Reunite with your body, reunite with life. Relate with your body, relate with life. Connect to your body, connect to life. Rejuvenate your body, rejuvenate your life.

Welcome Home

Hey, I’m Olivia ⏤ My calling is to support you in experiencing the ease & freedom you’ve been searching for. I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, not fought through. I believe that being in service of others doesn’t have to equate to exhaustion.

Unlike traditional coaches, I primarily work with the body — the source of all emotion. Because, the body knows best. The body guides you to your own truth & learnings, and most importantly, the body’s way actually works.

So: welcome to Odyssey Collective. We get work done here, and we make sure it sticks.


I’m Olivia

When my mom got sick with a rare form of cancer, I dove head first into personal development looking for a cure. What I found, instead, was what had always been missing inside of me: my purpose, my relationship to my body, and my connection to my soul. As I grew, I learned how to relate to myself and others in a way that truly mattered, and made a difference in the world around me. I learned the language of my body — how to discern its needs, and how to discern its yeses and nos. And while all of that was occurring, my mom’s limited time left was teaching me a very important lesson: life is too short to be wasted.

So after she passed, I made it my mission to support others in doing exactly that — taking the journey they needed to take, to live their life to its fullest potential.

Ways we Can work together:

Find the modality that’s right for you below.

  • Workshops


JANUARY 6th, 2025 (OPEN)


(VIRTUAL Retreat, on ZOOM)





This one’s for the women that work hard, that create big things, that support others with fervor.

Listen to me: you deserve to take time for you.

This time for you is to support you in EXACTLY what you want — by overcoming the biggest challenge you’re facing eight now.

And I guarantee you’ll leave with the tools to do so.

Looking for more $$$ in the bank? We got you. Looking for more energy in your day to day? We got you. Looking to make an important decision in your life? We GOT YOU!!

Here’s how:

By learning how to understand the body’s innate wisdom and truth.

Your body will give you WAY more clarity than any expert out there. I gaurantee it.

Don’t believe me? Why don’t you join and find out. It’s free — so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Using this technology, my client went from…

✖️Struggling financially, with 10K in debt

✖️Struggling with launching her business

✖️Struggling with symptoms in her body of exhaustion / tension / chronic pain


✅ In complete abundance, 10x her finances in ONE year

✅ Running her business with ease (it actually GIVES her energy now)

✅ Having more energy than she did in her early 20s

It works because it comes from you. And YOU, my friend, have the answers you’ve been searching for.

We just have to learn how to listen to them.

So join us below. I can’t wait to see you there.


UNION Tulum retreat


Nov 8th - Nov 10th, 2024 (FULL)

let yourself surrender in the jungle of Tulum.

UNION: The body’s guide to ease, freedom & joy

Location: Tulum, MX (women only)


Are you tired of being responsible for it all? Of holding it all? Of needing to take care of everything and everyone? Of constantly pushing through, breaking through, powering through? Of having your sh*t together 24/7 with no break?

Are you just tired, in general?

Come let it all go at my UNION retreat in Tulum, MX. Surrender into the beauty and balance of nature, while exploring your body’s innermost truths. Explore the details below.



The Collective launches in January — make sure you’re on the waitlist to be the first to join + receive your 50% off discount code!

One-on-One Coaching


Your ability to create results is determined by how much you LISTEN TO you.


Look — this isn’t just some snazzy, B.S. phrase about self love…it’s actually a proven reality. Your relationship with yourself is determined by the habits and practices you have with yourself, and those habits and practices seep into every area of your life.

If you want ease, freedom, abundance, intimacy, sensuality — you’ve got to have practices within yourself that allow these things to happen.

Just like a diet filled with cheetos and oreos doesn’t create muscle growth, a sub-par relationship with you doesn’t create the results you’ve been looking for.

And if you’re here, reading this right now… the good news, is you’re probably already creating most of the results you want.

But you’re probably pretty hard on yourself, too.

So it’s time to uplevel. The answers you’re looking for aren’t in the books, the gurus, the self-help communities…

They’re in you.

In your body.

And that’s precisely the journey you’ll take. One within you. And I’ll be right there by your side, guiding you to wherever you discover you need to go.

what does this actually look like, Olivia?

Some quick bullet points of things you’ll absolutely create will working with me:

  • Your life back

  • A new energy of vitality & joy

  • Self confidence that doesn’t come from what you “do”

  • Being able to understand & act on what you need mentally and physically at any moment, without damaging relationships

  • Deepened connection with the body and emotion

  • Gratitude for life

  • Easily set boundaries (and keep them)

  • A feeling of safety & security no matter the circumstances in your life


Each individuals journey is HIGHLY individualized. When you enter a container with me, we work together to co-create exactly what you’re looking for in your life right now.

It will happen. If you’re 100% committed to it, I’m certain I can support you in creating it.

Curious? Book a discovery call with me to see if this is right for you.



About The odyssey

The Odyssey (or journey) my work is founded in is comprised of three pieces — three fundamental principles that I’ve found to be necessary when exploring any relationship — whether that’s one with your body, with your mind, or with others. These principles are values I live by and use every single day, to support my relationship with myself, my relationship with my business, my relationship with my community, and my relationship with my partner. Together, they generate sustainability, wholeness, vitality, and so much joy in my life. I can’t wait for you to explore them.

  • What if you were able to bring alive any feeling, emotion or state of being whenever you wanted to? Self generation means, quite simply, the ability to generate of the self — to be able to access any and all emotions and experiences, at any given moment. This starts with the relationship you have with your own body, and unlocking any emotions/experiences that may not have been accessible to you in he past.

    And for the skeptics out there, (don’t worry, I am one too) — it IS possible to experience anything you want to at any given moment...but for most people, that hasn’t been their reality. If it hasn’t been the case for you, let me support you in learning the language of your body so you can create/feel/embody anything you want to, at any time.

  • What if the world around you exists the way it does SOLELY because of your perception of it? Well, this isn’t a “what if” — it’s actually true a large majority of the time. As much as I’d like to take credit for it, the concept of perception shaping reality has been long studied by psychologists and philosophers (like Victor Frankl, Martin Heidegger, and most recently Brene Brown, just to name a few).

    We can actually USE this concept to learn more about our inner world and transform our relationships — by studying our perceptions of the world around us. When a perception we have about reality gets brought into light in conjunction with a negative experience (think: pain, sadness, anger), it’s usually because that perception is founded on trauma or a negative life experience that is still showing up today. And that, most of the time, isn’t something we want. So, in this way, we can actually use the experiences we have with others and the world around us to transform our perception of reality, and transform our relationships with ourselves and others.

  • What if you knew what made you, YOU (what your gifts are, what you love to do, what you desire most in this lifetime) — and were able to use it every day to fulfill a life purpose? I’m defining “purpose” here as a connection to the innermost part of you, that know what it truly wants to create for the world at any given moment. Now, for you, that innermost part might be the deep subconscious, the soul, or a connection to God/source that lives within you — but regardless, this part of you is clear, 100% of the time, on what it desires to generate to contribute to the world around you.

    ACCESS, however, to this innermost part of us is the piece that we usually find most difficult (speaking from my experience and those I’ve coached, but everyone’s different), so this piece uses the integration of everything previous to it to allow for your Truth to come to light.

    And let’s be clear: a purpose is something that inspires your innermost self TODAY, right now — and can certainly change over years, months, or even days. A purpose is something that contributes to the world, has the aim of helping others, and also yourself. And a purpose is defined by an emotion/state of being, rather than a modality — something like creating love, passion, joy, vitality, or worthiness in others.

    This kind of purpose is sustainable, and inspiring. And by the end of this journey you’ll know exactly how to bring that to life, every single day.


Don’t just take my word for it.

Working with Olivia has been an amazing experience. As a driven business professional who spends many intense hours engaging with the structured, analytical side of the brain, it's very easy for me to lose touch with the softer, emotional side of the mind and body. Working with Olivia allows me to regain balance, and restore the 'flow' that's so important for higher levels of energy and effectiveness. Her guidance is always customized to what I am carrying with me that night, allows me to release anything that is constricting, and allows me to step away from the 'doing' and into the 'being'. I can't recommend her fully enough - especially for those looking to replenish their entrepreneurial spirit!

⏤ Mark Werling, 46, CFO at Marathon

Olivia has the extraordinary gift of combining her perceptive intuition and highly skilled coaching to uncover the core of your limiting beliefs. With Olivia’s coaching I have stepped into an unapologetically authentic version of myself —in my personal life and in my business. I am able to navigate the bumps without spiraling into the familiar cycle of self-blame and self-sabotage. Olivia has been essential in my journey to truly see my power, moving forward with my vision-driven business, and treating myself with compassion. I am forever grateful for Olivia’s presence, energetic generosity, and integrated wisdom!

⏤ Breanne Haeger, 28, Holistic Coach & Founder at Healing Littles, Inc.


Let’s have a quick chat

Book a free 45 min consult call with me to see how I can support you in exploring your relationship with you.



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