Let’s talk money.

Let’s face it — nobody does anything until they have money invested in it.

I view spending money on anything as an energetic exchange, founded on the idea that when I give, I also receive. In today’s society, we exchange that energy in a lot of different ways — like trading out for the newest iPhone, putting gas in the car, or grabbing a bite to eat on the way home from work.

And those investments, in the moment, feel important. Maybe they even ARE important. Maybe they bring you moments of ease, relaxation, or joy.

The reality is this: every time you invest in anything, you’re saying this thing truly matters to you. The newest iPhone matters. The 7$ Starbucks coffee matters. Taking the fast lane to work instead of the bus, matters.

But in how many ways do you say: I matter”?

If you’re here, I’m trusting you’ve realized that you finally get to truly matter to you. And so: it’s time to invest in yourself.

Because investing here, is putting ATTENTION on your INTENTION.

The intention you have to fall in love with yourself & know yourself at your deepest level: in body, mind and soul.

And — because I know the realities of womxnhood in this world, I’ve created a system where you can get start on your journey for as little as $125 — by intentionally placing a downpayment towards your chosen offer. This is truly for you: so that you know that you not only intend, but are invested in starting this journey. This downpayment can work towards investing in either a payment plan or full journey offer, for any Odyssey Collective retreat or coaching program.

So: click below to choose you. I can’t wait to get started.

Odyssey Collective

2400 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78702

+1 (847) 477-9038
